
doesn't Ford use MS ? Why aren't they even mentioned?

says the phanboy

And they say that today's youth are lacking in goals

as a health professional, I can say that it's thought that publicizing only causes more

I kind of think that it's one of those books that it sounds good if you say you've read it, because of "it's role in the history of science fiction" "War and Peace", or "À la Recherche du temps Perdu"


Didn't say it wasn't, just that the perception is as overt as it is with the G place

Depends on how many you have to feed, too.
I have a smaller fridge/freezer, but there's just the two of us. I'll cook only 2-3 days out of the week, and pack away enough for at least 10 days of meals, not counting breakfasts.

They are apples and oranges, with different purposes, and both are useful, except that with +, you have Big Brother watching your every move, and the goal is simply world domination, IMO

If you've never even tried it, you don't really have a clue.
I have made hearing aids fit better, attached magnets whereever I needed them, even upside down ( try THAT with epoxy ),

In short: we fuck who we want and we have our reasons.

Whenever I actually cite a scientific source, or anything factual, for that matter, I'm called a Liberal.

Then again, cats, much like people, are individuals.
My cat was Bronx, NY City born, lived with me for 1 1/2 years, and then I moved to Mexico and took her with me. Not only did she handle 12 hours of crate time extremely well, when I let her out she ate, drank and fell asleep at the foot of my bed. But, YMMV

It would be like taking 100 human subjects and lacing their water with copious amounts of LSD.

we don't serve his kind in here

or remoulade??

It so happens, that I am a fish sandwich devotee, but find they are much better with a nice remoulade sauce.

that has been my experience.

It can be debated that driving a slow car fast, is much more fun than driving a fast car slowly

amd Ford was the first to have a padded dash, in the 50s