Yes, priorities.
Yes, priorities.
I'm calling shenanigans on this. Went to YouRube and got:
Orson Scott Card Rules of Living:
SEE: Armored Battle suit, Heinlein, "Starship Troopers" ( book, not movie)
a bit more efficacious too, given the range
Physics +1
oh puhleeeze !
"Is this sort of thing common in America ?"
Stossel's middle name is "Token" I think
which you'll need to recover from you feinting spell
liked him much better on ABC though
In used to be an agnostic until I became brave enough to be atheist
But airsoft started in Japan andvall that is is gun worship, and to no end at all
Saw a report, can't find link now, that taxing churches would bring in about $17 Trillion. That's with a "T"
I was shocked, shocked I say
It's cute, it's neatly done, it performs well, but...
I've been a fan and a contributor to Gawker sites pretty much since the beginning and something is annoying the hell out of me.
TRIBE : n,