
That's a CSI I'd dearly like to see

Aw, CJ, you must have missed the memo. They think that now a Warp Drive just may be in the realm of possibility.

"Otherwise, what's to stop people from claiming they broke their old controller, buying up an extra one at discount and saving it for gray market resale once two-GamePad support arrives here, believed to be sometime after March."

"I think most people would tell you that the iPad is not a superexpensive device. "

"A space elevator would be one hell of a terrorist target with the potential for great devastation. "

But then it wouldn't have made the headlines/snagged the readers would it?

Or, you could send it to me

Quo vadis?

And that sir, is why there are so many flavors at Baskin Robbins

Yes, yes it is

sorry, 12M is good, Brazil is much better

Just because something CAN be done, does not mean it should be done.

I'm 65 and love any kind of shooting sports ( target only BTW) been following JS a long time. He's hilarious, andwith him it's just a hobby.

Been there done that. It was called a "stonebow" They still make them. If you want to read about it a good source is


given the specs, the price isn't really out if line

+1, FTW

Now playing

Quite obvious actually, it's Chicago and gang wars seem to be quite prevalent.

right before the driver says " Luke, I am your father"