Does Costner know about this?
Does Costner know about this?
White Castle Hamburgers had a contest for a dish containing sliders. The winner, and still champeen was Turkey stuffed with White Castle [www.whitecastle.com] ( it's what you crave! ) Hamburgers!!!
Not to mention Taco Bell where there are 5 ingredients, in different permutations to form 25 menu items that ALL TASTE THE SAME
The overarching system UI is much snappier with 2.0, up there with Ice Cream Sandwich and iOS 5.
Thank you, Mr. Obvious
There's an app for that?
"It's always been a misnomer to call this a law"
Then again, what's the price of a 64 GB iPod/Pad with WiFi? THAT's stupid pricey.
Was waiting for someone to mention that. What's a HDSD up to nowadays, 64 GB?
Answers to questions nobody has asked.
"The future is backwards engineering the human brain, creating a substrate in which to "upload" your mind, and living purely in a digital environment."
I'm just waiting for transistors based on quarks, myself. That'll show Moore!
Ugly, as much as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Before Charles Goodyear, the slingshot, as we know it today, did not exist. As a matter of fact, more men OVER the age of 35 shoot slingshots than kids. If you want to see someone who has taken the slingshot to heights unheard of see Joerg Sprave on Youtube
sorry, 1050 Kilometer would put it in LEO
providing it doesn't run out wnen it's half done
It isn't "pretty", but it's not all that bad. Reminds me a bit of a Space shuttle and its boosters.
CJ, The problem with cancer as I see it, is whatever you use to kill it, kills you too, just hopefully not as fast.