
Why does Cage look like Tiny Tim here?

Okay, I hope you're all satisfied. As if my next to read list wasn't 4 miles long already.

Yes Virginia, there are dolts everywhere.

Not to mention Harlan Ellison, but don't tell him I used his name, he'd probably sue me

" Star Trek had a Prime Directive that made intererence the number one crime."

Damn site's been /. ed , Gawker, and especially io9, must be getting more popular.

But then again, most psychology sounds that way sometimes.

" (though the plots were still somewhat silly)"

Because, Nemoy is Nemoy and Shatner, well, he's Shatner.

Dyson's Quote at the beginning of the article is truly priceless:

we control your horizontal, we control your vertical...

it's goddam a lake!

Isn't that the point of ALL amusement parks?

I used to take the kids to Action Park every year, was it that bad?

Meesa say, what??

Perhaps, just perhaps, because of the vastness of the universe, we just haven't looked in the right place yet, and maybe, neither have they.

"Besides, if a planet like this was detected, is there no possiblity that the light is being generated by something other than a civilization? "


I am older than dirt. That being said, in 1984, my oldest son (of 4 boys total) had just turned 13. I had an Osborne "transportable" and a Timex-Sinclair 80 for the (ahem) "kids" to play around with. I think this vid is correct when the age of the kids is considered, but the thoughts weren't universal for the time.