OTOH, sometimes prayer causes laughter.
OTOH, sometimes prayer causes laughter.
Lafftonis (tm) is now available generically, and OTC in Mexico.
"The researchers weren't actually just in this for the joy of torturing random tourists visiting Edinburgh, but rather to see if social laughter releases endorphins"
FTW ! Thanks for the link.
So, your point being ?
Crappity-crap-crap ! I just got Netflix, here in MX, and NONE of these are there. Hey, I love living here, but, Netflix doesn't help me where it counts.
Who are you, the re-incarnation of Carl Sagan ? Next you're going to say "Billyions and Billyions" (Which, BTW, he never really said)
Sore Loser ?
I saw that (in a theater, I'm older than dirt), and 3 dudes sitting next to me, high on herb, said the same thing.
Simple answer is: No Imagination, and/or intelligence.
My question with that is:
What, he didn't include the Christmas special ? ? ?
Not everyone ( including Weird Al ), shares your views.
"I'm actually sad to say that, alas, I really don't have any fetishes at all despite a slight predilection for thigh-high stockings"
" "I don't know" gets less attention than the undead, though."
The Bible, Matthew 26:7-10, when Mary Magdalene anointed his feet with oil, the apostles all decried the waste and said that it could have been sold to feed the less fortunate. Jesus said that the poor you will always have with you. IMO, basically he said "so what ?"
Dazzler, schmazzler ! All I know is taht one day in 1972, a friend of mine who plays drums professionally, came to me and said: " I have a gig, it's playing with a band that's into something new. It's called Disco."
"You forgot to inject the concept of mediclorians (sic) in 4, 5 and 6."