
Sonny, you still have a ways to go

SF writers don't predict the future. Heinlein's stuff seems rather prescient, but, many scientists have stated that what authors have written about influences them to a dgree that gives them ideas to invent things.

So what ? It's not the book, movies never are the book.

When something of interest gets posted to [] , everyone goes to take a look and if you're to late you get a 404 error because the server's down.

You'd have to make them out of Kevlar, and that would chafe a bit

Good News Everyone !

It's 6 AM Central and the sites are already slash/dotted

Hmmmm, I though I had expressed that.

Watched it twice, nice work for an....amatuer

Screw You Twice

I agree that FOX takes a lot more chances than other Networks, but the money people refuse to give shows a chance.

She doesn't look like MY housekeeper.

Sorry, so sorry, not even half as good

Kestrel, I was hoping Somebody would mention Howard. Iffen y'all want to do yourselves a favor go to [] and just pick one, any one.

What is best in life ?

"Okay, that "bred to the finest stock" scene is straight-up rape"

Chip, you forget that a grade school kid today probably knows more than a physicist from over a 100 years ago.

If you believe in the gods, that is