
Hold up, they fucked up so badly Kaelthas is now bald?

Personally I prefer the original version of the Half Dome 2 over the current one. not a fan of that crossbar up top and the centered door.

Personally I prefer the original version of the Half Dome 2 over the current one. not a fan of that crossbar up top

Why yes, yes it is.

Why not just install growler stations instead? Or are these the Japanese equivalent?


.....Ain’t that the point?


Broly: Marketing..... Mar-ket-iiiiing! MAAAR-KEEET-TIIIIING!

World of Warcrack and Elite dangerous. BEHOLD! MY GR8 KR8 M8!

who accidentally discover the main character’s main base and begins to raid it

Eh.... sounds like they’re going to name recognition not the concept of the original beetle which seemed to be “Keep It Simple Schweinhund”.

Both Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light’s endings were phenomenal.

Cool, glad to help. happy watching.

I misread that as “man-made”, I had serious questions and reservations about system shock mods all of a sudden considering the plot it deals with.

Fair enough, I’ll summarize then: “The continuation of the story of a young man in a dead end job with no SO who gets stuck in a digital world possibly due to a game breaking glitch when the servers shut down, rather than getting emo or questioning things too hard he decides “Fuckit, let’s take over the world, I’m

I like that description.... honestly it makes me more interested in watching it.

Do overlord:S3?

Didn’t Gintama end (again?)

Overlord season 3 in 7 days?! ALL HAIL LORD AINS!

MSNBC (while interviewing Bill Nye): Experts say that the moon will implode into the earth tonight, could this perhaps be because of global warming?

Absolutely nothing... well except the fact that it doesn’t beat a rabid Aaron Carter to the face.