chains are overrated as well, learn to drive in low traction environments dumbasses!
chains are overrated as well, learn to drive in low traction environments dumbasses!
Is anyone else having issues with the whole posts not showing up?
Was it Borderlands that started that, or was there an earlier game?
So.... what you’re saying is in 2025 I’ll be able to get USFS fleet diesel f150 from GSA auctions.... Cool that’s about when I was looking to purchase one anyway.
I guess the real question though, is WHY ON EARTH would you do that?
Because it’s politically acceptable to shoot a white person without needing police permission if things escalate that far?
nerf now was a 4th wall break.
The West Palm engines are high-performance ones, made for police cars
.......................... *tableflip gif*
I literally just moved and my Xbox copies of Morrowind GOTY and Mercenaries are in storage... THREE STATES AWAY! AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!
Closest I can think of would be a yee naaldlooshii but that’s just a human shapeshifter.
Looks like it’s wanting to follow the right hand guide line of the carpool lane onto the 85 rather than the lefthand guide line of the leftmost through lane due to the paint’s deterioration and not detecting the k-rail?
Personally I’d like to see tesla autopilot try and handle the washboards that caltrans managed to…
I find it ironic that people lost their shit over sinclair group, but when Bernstein
(yes, watergate Bernstein) said basically the same thing he got lauded and acclaim.
Elite dangerous, taking part in the combat CG.
Here’s one of the highlights from last night.
Still waiting for someone to actually back up the claim that Clark had not interacted with the police at all during the night prior to the cops cornering him in his grandparent’s yard.
Still, it makes zero sense that he was running through people’s back yards and jumping fences after dark in sactown. As I said…
Clark was never running from the police.
Local talkshow is taking calls from parents, allegedly teachers in the Fresno area forced their students to participate in the walkout and threatened failing grades.
So... no “tale of three wastelands” ever then...
Hmm.... I will need to investigate this. I’ve been asking my local dealership ever since I heard about the diesel f150 if they had any details.
I’ll have to double check what the fuel stations around me run mixwise it might be e15 or a higher mix, I’ve had three lawnmowers pretty much die because of the fuel which pushed me into xeroscaping my yard and focusing on only keeping the trees alive.
It doesn’t help that it’s the california special snowflake blend…