
I've also had tree root issues, damn ficus tree! The plumber once showed me what he found, it was a tangle of rotted tree roots and tampons. I nearly threw up on him.

I have a few pairs of super cute boy short underwear and they always migrate to my butt crack! No problems with my "full bum" pairs and I just buy them at target. Love the thongs too, but my dear Mother calls them "anal floss" and can't believe anyone wears such awful undergarments!

Generally, you don't want to say no repeatedly and then spray them with a water bottle or whatever the "blow on the cat's face" thing she's doing, because the kitty then associates your voice with bad things.

But the fact that women deal with this — still! In 2014! — is an incredible bummer. No matter where we go and what we do and what we say, there's some guy standing by to shout about whether or not they want to see us naked.

It looks WAY better than Dinty Moore, then again, look at the pictures fast food joints circulate opposed to what the food really looks like when you get it!

I had an elderly cat who stopped eating for a day. I got down on the floor with him when he was staring at his dry food but not eating the damn food. In desperation, I popped a few kibbles into my mouth crunched em up and said, "Yum"! The cat looked at me like I was crazy and then started eating a little.