I am from Llantarnam, which is known - but not by many people - for being the place where Saint David Lewis was arrested for high treason in 1678, and apparently for nothing else since.
I am from Llantarnam, which is known - but not by many people - for being the place where Saint David Lewis was arrested for high treason in 1678, and apparently for nothing else since.
The myth of killing children by lying on them in your sleep goes back thousands of years. See for example 1 Kings 3:19 in the story of the judgment of Solomon.
@searanox: Always possible. But even if he is awkward and dejected he at least knows he has done the right thing.
@Vidgames: Appreciate the reply - and of course it might not work. But I am concerned that this will burgeon into something bigger and even more unacceptable that what we have got.
@jetRink: It isn't quite that easy, but this link gives a pretty good description that will make sense to people who know baseball.
Vidgames said in a comment below "you won't likely be able to get enough sites to band together to shut the review events".
@aniteshj: It isn't different - but that does not mean that it isn't corrupt.
@silvainsharp: Very good point. I missed that entirely.
@Vidgames: Useful insights there Andy. But I don't agree with your main points.
That's about 23% of UK households.
@Phantom6612: @Dinosaur Sr: @Covertghost:
I am very uncomfortable about all this.
@Adhominem: Agreed.