I'm not particularly fond of the terms 'hardcore' and 'casual' - but I think the biggest problem is that they are seen as the two opposites. Whereas 'hardcore' really sits in the middle somewhere.
I'm not particularly fond of the terms 'hardcore' and 'casual' - but I think the biggest problem is that they are seen as the two opposites. Whereas 'hardcore' really sits in the middle somewhere.
Brilliant! Video game company does not take itself too seriously.
Well, well, well, so much hate.
May be one below Kotick - but he is one above Matt Drudge!
Smells of panic.
Is this Microsoft finally admitting that they *are* in competition with the Wii?
Played woodwind for years - just carried on from recorder at school, then clarinet.
@kingmanic: I don't think that follows. The latency won't be any greater - probably a lot less - than that in the old mechanical organ at Leipzig, and Bach got along fine.
@Autilian: "Nothing ou actuly do makes a differene in this as long as your pressing a single button"
@Alex_Mexico: "I cant imagine this game being of relevant interest to a fellow Kotakuite."
@ZombiePuppy: Sorry - probably went over the top a bit there! It's just this game seems to have generated an awful lot of hate (this board is a lot more muted than some) for no reason apparent to me.
@Archaotic: "why make a music game where the player doesn't actually control the music?"
@mwoody: "lacking in goals and purpose"
"several industry sources outside of Nintendo"
A delightful read, Maggie, I enjoyed it. It prompted me to write an essay in response but, luckily for everyone else here I stopped myself!
Part of the problem is that where games sell large for only a few short weeks after release, a review has to be completed quickly to have any impact at all. Too quickly to have any chance of observation of others playing.