
I don't fault him for this. There are plenty of workaholics who'd rather spend their whole day pushing meaningless papers around on a desk than spend time with their kids. In his case, his contribution to the world was greater than his contribution at home. He made sacrifices. There's only so much time in the day,

Apple II/c

Certainly looks better than an average cell phone camera, but there's a metric ton of noise in the sky in that bright mountain-side shot.

Wasn't this why handcuffs were invented? These NASA folk need to get around the internet a bit more... :)

Yeah, and I thought those bridge-climbing Russian teenagers were crazy.

Is that how kids get home from school in Russia?

Google isn't taking over these industries because of mere convenience, they're dominating them because they're bringing the best technology and use-models, because they're innovating, and because it's baked-in to their business model with the creative time their employees are given.

Wow, thanks for sharing that Pixar video, a great look inside a magical place.

There's honestly zero chance of WebOS surviving as the fourth mobile operating system, whether it's Samsung or Amazon that buys them.

Back in the day, I bought one Microsoft Intellimouse after another. Each would last 6 months or a year until one of the buttons gave out or inevitably caught a terminal case of multiclick. I fixed a couple, returned a few more for warranty replacements. But basically, they were complete junk in a nice package.

Mass hysteria is a valid event that can happen anywhere.

AJ, how old are you? And how old were you when you saw the original Star Wars. Just curious...

Now playing

As always, this can never, ever be repeated enough.

I think it's the mix of horizontal and vertical elements in the Ribbon-bar that prevent an easy eye scan across the tool and over-complicate the visual...

"At 65-miles, the proposed tunnel would be twice as long as the Chunnel between France and England, and could connect New York City with London."