
I can confirm this works — you just need lots of patience, and it's best to practice on your Mother's favorite dining room table.

I can confirm this works — you just need lots of patience, and it's best to practice on your Mother's favorite dining room table.

Here's my plan: send 9 straight-jackets to Finland and lock these brats up in a padded room.

Couldn't watch more than 20 seconds of this.

That wrist position, with the hammer, makes me want to vomit.

@uzumaki.sanras: Exactly. It needs a smoother transition at the end.

Viral fake. Remember the cell phones baking popcorn?

I saw a 3D demo set up on a Samsung LED tv display over the weekend...

Or...just buy a non-Apple laptop.


This — in a nutshell is why there is no LTE on this phone.

Gingerbread was just about right, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what Matias Duarte can do with the UI in Honeycomb. Every company needs a UI evangelist, and now Google finally has one.

@RebelScum: I agree, but I'm willing to give up the hardware keyboard for a thinner, lighter form-factor. And, on the G2, T-Mobile is still in between you and Google for OS updates (or you need to wait for Cyanogen to work out the bugs from whatever he's porting).

@Ricorich196: I'm going to pick up the Nexus S — despite it's flaws.

My biggest complaints:

Having traveled extensively throughout S. Korea and Taiwan, I can tell you that this video proves the Chinese are in fact far better drivers.

He reminds me of someone else who got a kick out of discovery...

When you buy an Apple product, you play by the emperor's rules.