I can confirm this works — you just need lots of patience, and it's best to practice on your Mother's favorite dining room table.
I can confirm this works — you just need lots of patience, and it's best to practice on your Mother's favorite dining room table.
I can confirm this works — you just need lots of patience, and it's best to practice on your Mother's favorite dining room table.
Here's my plan: send 9 straight-jackets to Finland and lock these brats up in a padded room.
Couldn't watch more than 20 seconds of this.
That wrist position, with the hammer, makes me want to vomit.
@uzumaki.sanras: Exactly. It needs a smoother transition at the end.
@ps61318: You're not alone.
Viral fake. Remember the cell phones baking popcorn?
I saw a 3D demo set up on a Samsung LED tv display over the weekend...
Or...just buy a non-Apple laptop.
This — in a nutshell is why there is no LTE on this phone.
@ament001: You win the thread. :)
Gingerbread was just about right, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what Matias Duarte can do with the UI in Honeycomb. Every company needs a UI evangelist, and now Google finally has one.
@RebelScum: I agree, but I'm willing to give up the hardware keyboard for a thinner, lighter form-factor. And, on the G2, T-Mobile is still in between you and Google for OS updates (or you need to wait for Cyanogen to work out the bugs from whatever he's porting).
@Ricorich196: I'm going to pick up the Nexus S — despite it's flaws.
My biggest complaints:
Having traveled extensively throughout S. Korea and Taiwan, I can tell you that this video proves the Chinese are in fact far better drivers.
When you buy an Apple product, you play by the emperor's rules.