Philip Nelson

In those situations, it is not just a misunderstanding of relative speeds but also a complete lack of empathy towards others. Some are even malicious, not wanting others to pass them or trying to “enforce” road rules by blocking faster traffic. Regardless, they all fit into the same category of assholes.

“London’s Millionaires Actually Used Their Supercars For Good”

They wouldn’t have needed to throw me off, I’d have left on my own. If they aren’t going to clean up small messes like this, then image what larger disasters they are letting slide. Red flag alert.

Eden Prairie is $$$$

The classy voice of the cycling lobby, right here.

To the rich people providing these totally-not-bribes, I want to ask: do you really think anyone’s going to believe your cover story that Clarence and Ginni Fucking Thomas are that charming and fun to have stay with you for the weekend?

I’ve driven a manual 370, they’re completely different from a Mustang, that short wheelbase makes them feel a lot more fun.

Wait, are you still expecting anything resembling accuracy (never mind actual journalism) from most of the clowns employed here?

One more reason I will NEVER let a valet in my car. I worked at a restaurant that had valet parking, and the shit I saw the valets do to cars was insane.

You mean, Bender Bending Rodriguez?