I was just there yesterday and driving back to BWI from Ocean City was a shit show. The left lane campers and oldsters driving the speed limit or lower was causing me to lose my sanity.
Current daily is a 2020 Grand Cherokee High Altitude edition. Bought it used last December due to me rear ending a vehicle in the rain, that was a 2019 Armada. Great interior, all the features, better than the Armada’s gas mileage, and enough room to haul stuff to my cabin and tow our boat.
The guy on the right in the photo at the top is George Christie, former National president of the HA.
Lol, so, 2" of snow?
I agree 100%, mine resides on my front seat and I don’t pick it up until I arrive at my destination. I was almost killed while riding my motorcycle over 10 years ago due to a distracted driver causing an accident 2 cars in front of me. Found out during the deposition faze of suing her, that she was unfamiliar with the…
I still see plenty of people on a daily basis on my drive to and from work that cannot talk on the phone and drive, regardless of age. They tend to concentrate on their phone call and not the road. Swerving all over, driving slow in the right lane, f’ing drives me crazy.
Saw an older lady recently using her phone with both hands and both hands on the steering wheel. WTF?
He’s incredibly sensitive, he cannot eat any carbs what so ever. Yes he would feel it if he ate cake, the times I’ve eaten out with him at restaurants he looks over the menu with a fine tooth comb to ensure he doesn’t eat any.
I have a friend who has this disease, found out he had it a couple of years ago. Has to follow a very strict diet, no carbs otherwise he gets drunk.
Yea but they’re using languages he doesn’t know, nobody knows them or speaks them.
Because Seattle
That’s methed up!
Criminals aren’t smart, case in point, this guy.
Why are people still not wearing seatbelts?
Maybe if Cruz and most politicians were such “fucko’s” they wouldn’t have the need to feel protected from the people the are supposed to be serving.
Makes sense that “god” wants to involve himself in ones day to day trivial life decisions. “God” can’t stop all the mass shootings, but he’ll interject himself into your life and give one direction on which retirement home to purchase. Craziness amplified.
Old ski coach of mine is big conspiracy theorist, and firmly believes this is “cloud seeding”, guy is off his rocker.
You have the rural part correct, he’s from a small town south of the Twin Cities, Northeast of Austin, MN.
All that you had to do after stroking your engine would be called supporting mods. Did you honestly think that once you had your engine rebuild larger that you wouldn’t need to do some of what you had too?