This. This Comment just made my day.
This. This Comment just made my day.
OR you could spin it and say they haven't won since BB got fined $500k for filming
your car is still not a real Jag
day made.. thank you
You're kidding right? Way to fail to mention EVERY other professional sport. It's not just golf. NFL is like the biggest offender.
ahh yes. Love me a good sloth GIF
OMG that is amazing!
Birds fan here - How did you like the Linc / How were the fans around you? Albeit i'm probably a little happier w/ the result, it was such a fun game to watch!
Is it your daily driver?
Fantastic thank you!
sorry not sorry. U-G-L-Y :). <3
do you have a link to a larger version of this pic?
i'd cry lol
I do enjoy that one...especially that color too!
Hahah - I mean i'd honestly prefer any Jalop shirt except for a Wagon :)
Love the idea...not a fan of that shirt though.. Couldn't we have used like a RS6 Avant Wagon or something...way less ugly then a Volvo?
I am an Eagles fan AND a BMW 335xi owner / fan.... well this has become awkward.