
Been saying this for a couple years now: the only way these pieces of shit change their thinking or the way they go about their business is when people actually stop watching the games. Because as long as all these eyeballs are making them billions in TV rights they don’t give a fuck about who these players truly are

With all due respect, you’re fooling yourself if you think Ray Rice not getting another NFL shot had anything to do with his domestic violence incident as opposed to the fact that he was already considered washed up before getting in trouble.

Rosa Parks? Let’s not get excited here. She’s not Martin Luther King, Jr. here.

Pats fan, here. It was the concussions and coverup thereof that got me started, too. It just made me feel uncomfortable while watching the games. The last couple of years of bumbling from the NFL have only continued to solidify things.

Take it down a notch. He's not exactly facing down cops with dogs and fire hoses here. In fact, what's he really accomplishing? And at what risk?

Wow, you're serious?

Same here. Was a lifelong Broncos fan and slowly stopped watching football when I started to read about all of the brain damage that was happening to the players and completely stopped watching when I realized that the NFL was actively trying to cover-up the connection between the sport and the players’ injuries.

Those were post-career rapes. Had he done that rapin’ while in the league, it would have been a 2-game suspension - unless there was video.

What courage? Let's not get excited here. He's not Rosa Parks. He's in a long line of athletes with political stances. Jim Brown was speaking up 50 years ago in the days of Bull Connor.

He went on to add, “Is Gregg Hardy still available?”

I think your list also missed Darren Sharper. Darren fucking “serial rapist” Sharper.

and make this face a lot, don’t forget the face.

On behalf of the sleazy punks, fuck you.

If not for that middle sentence I would swear you were referring to Goodell...

She heard a violent altercation that went on much longer than a few minutes. In fact, it was her testimony and her comments to the police that sealed the original conviction. There is, as we must all know, an enormous difference between someone falling in a bathtub and someone being thrown repeatedly around a room, in

What objectivity? He’s trying to excuse the vile actions of a violent abuser using the same grotesque misogynist BS that his lawyer did. Then again, 90% of all lawyers are sexist pieces of shit no matter what side of the law they’re on.

Go to hell, you woman-hating piece of shit.

If you’re actually a former ADA, then I am very happy abour the ‘former’ part.

How dare you try to consider any part of this fiasco objectively.

So you’re a former prosecutor and also a misogynist. I see.