Phil? Phil Connors?

However, “Shop-Vac” IS a registered trademark. Somehow I doubt SSG paid a licensing fee to use it in their own advertisements. There may be evidence of a crime here after all!

into a thousand years of darkness

Maybe we should let the cooks and other workers out first.

While I don’t think it happened, let’s all take a moment to sit back and think,


I was working a catering job for the 2001 Sport Illustrated party at Madison Square Garden. Mohammed Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabar, Stevie Wonder, Mark Hamill, Michael J Fox, Buster Poindexter was on stage doing his thing. In walks Trump through the back door all late. I’m holding a 20lb marble tray

[Bane voice] Now is not the time for beer, doctor. That comes later.

Tom, honest question: As a Journalist who is paying attention to and reporting on all of the news of this evening how are you not just wasted, pants-off-lying-on-the-floor drunk right now?

In the next 24 to 48 hours, we are depending on the judgement of this man as to whether or not we end up in a hot war with Iran. 

So when I’m craving a burger and there is an A&W nearby, I will get the beyond burger even though I enjoy meat

I mean, she’s supposed to be representing women in tech

Ivanka’s talk this afternoon is called “The Path to the Future of Work,””

No, the complaints just get more pathetic. You could try being an interesting person with your own style. Then you wouldn’t have to copy other cultures.

White people, it has been 2020 for 6 days! 6!!! Control yourselves!

But those are the effects that people have understood since pot brownies were invented. The headline should read “Edibles are exactly as safe as we’ve always known 

Article: It’s easy to eat too many and have a really bad high. Be patient and take it slow.

It’s so well known that it’s the main warning on all edibles

Missed opportunity that the “s” in “penis” isn’t this one:

So no danger other than a bad trip...

“Weed Edibles Aren’t as Safe as we think”

Article: People eat too many, it’s not actually harmful to your health but you can freak out.

So..... they are exactly as safe as we think. They don’t cause lung cancer. And if you take too many (accidentally) you have a bad high and then are fine. 

I’m happy to support women’s advancement into fields that are insanely dominated by men. But thank you for reminding me that it’s not ~required~