Phil? Phil Connors?


Well, maybe it’s his day?

Come on man, it’s not like they’re giving him a lot of leash to work with here.

I don’t know why you expect him to just roll over for these media types.

He’s lashing out in typical pavlovian fashion.

Man, the media is really trying to rub his nose in the mess he made.

I also forgot that people can buy a 50" HD TV for like $10 now, and can flip between multiple games/redzone, so why the hell would they want to go to a stadium in the middle of nowhere to get pissed on by a jerkoff fan who’ll try to stab them after the game?

I got crappy presents for my family this year because of the anthem protests.

why don’t you just get re-abled? have you tried praying?

I imagine as soon as the anthem stops playing

Starting at running back for the Memphis Forresters, He Hate Melanin.

How soon into the introductory press conference will the national anthem be brought up? One minute? 30 seconds? 15?

Yeah, as a disabled person on Medicare, I can’t wait. It’ll be amazeballs.

I looked it up, apparently any kid older than TEN who is on trial for murder or attempted murder gets tried as an adult in Wisconsin. Let that shit sink in for a minute.


This would definitely keep away the most dangerous immigrants: Mothers and Fathers that want a better life for their children. All the Bad Hombres.

Maybe the non-profit can just dig a few holes and tell them they’re fracking.

As a descendant of Jefferson Davis (according to that one member of our family who actually cared about genealogy), I think every statue of Jefferson Davis should not only be torn down, but somehow incorporated into the local sewage treatment plant. All the other confederate asses too.

And here I was under the impression that Republicans are all about selling off public parks to private interests.