Phil? Phil Connors?

It’s not that they don’t get the hyprocrisy. It’s that you don’t grasp any nuance or distinction between criticizing someone for how they appear/were born vs criticizing someone for making up inane stories about their teen years in a completely transparent effort to seem relatable.

There’s is no situation too small that the NFL can’t fuck up worse. ISIS could meet with these guys for 5 minutes and walk out the room thinking “christ, what a bunch of assholes”.

You motherfucker.

Not this guy...

it’s remarkable that Amiott wasn’t dismissed sooner

Dale Earnhardt Jr?

Thank you for your service.

Nah. He didn’t stand up to Trump when the slimeball explicitly and viciously insulted him in a manner I didn’t even think was possible for any human being. McCain had all the cards in the world to stop Trump’s ascent with that. He didn’t.

You rang?

“As long as they have the proper permits.”

Experiencing outrage fatigue at the moment. Wish we could put Trump and everyone who supports him in zoos and release all the animals.

Jeezy tried to get me as a kid, but I was able to give him the slip by changing my gender in my 20s.

I was abducted as a child by a blonde, blue eyed white guy in a dress, but it turns out it was just Jesus coming into my heart. I managed to expel him using the devil’s herb in college.

An even simpler test: If the only reason you can come up with for running a bad opinion article is a variation “we need both sides,” your article probably doesn’t do anything useful and shouldn’t run.

Here’s a simple test; if your op-ed contains nakedly false assertions that can be easily disproven by looking at the record, or is made up solely of highly contentious claims not backed up by any evidence within the piece, it SHOULD NOT RUN.

I don’t mind people who have different opinions getting a platform on op-ed pages. But major outlets seem to have such an aversion to “silencing” conservative voices and such a fear of being labeled as having a “liberal bias” that they refuse to hold opinion writers accountable for having opinions grounded in

The Portnoy system just doesn’t have the same success rate though.

Yes, Pence is a lot less likely to start a land war in Asia.