He sure didn’t help in this case.
He sure didn’t help in this case.
Eh...the number of people who did vote is not a bad sample size, so if 53% of white voters are racist, sexist dumpster fires then you probably wouldn’t lose a lot of money suggesting that 53% of white people overall are racist, sexist dumpster fires. (Sorry.)
When it was Hillary, the New York Times had screaming front page, above the fold stories. I just checked, and there’s nothing about Ivanka & Jared’s emails on the front page of the online version, not under the “Politics” section, not in the current updates, nowhere. It’s amazing how Trump and the deplorables scream…
What led to Trump winning was that this country is a sexist, racist dumpster fire and people here vote for president as they would for prom court.
Clinton’s campaign was an uphill battle where her team stopped short of the summit. If the zeal against fake news that exists today had existed two years ago, she might have had a better chance.
Me too. I feel sorry for them, that whatever paths they took (or were forced down) in life led them to such humiliating shit as being a table for a tiny-pricked douchebag.
The women in these pictures make me sad.
Would it be bad to say I wish this guy DID get shot?
Ew really ? I think he’s ugly af.. have you seen him without a beard ? It’s a blood bath.
You do realize that compulsory speech is not free speech and is therefore a violation of the First Amendment, right? Forcing someone to obey an anthem in the name of “freedom” is actually just simple fascism.
I’m pretty sure that any public schools that punish students for their expression will find themselves dealing with some legal issues as a result of that punishment
You just reminded me...I wonder how my Puerto Rican/Cuban in-laws who voted TRUMP are feeling now.
White people need to stop acting like calling them racist is the same as calling a POC a racial slur.
Well, there are the people that voted for them. Then there are the people who are in a racist rage about people solemnly not participating the national anthem for serious and real reasons. Then there’s the fact that we’re saber rattling anywhere that will listen to our saber rattling. I don’t don’t even have the…
If literally any other man did this, would we applaud him for being an ‘icon’?
I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.
This needs more context so you can see how ridiculous it really was. (I’m a student at Georgetown Law. Yes, Tiffany is in my class, but not my section.)
Soul Searching is our series about how the most secular generation in history is changing the face of religion.
OMG, this. I unfriended a cousin on FB who decided to dress me down, in a private text, for calling Trump out cuz reasons, and I unfriended a fraternity brother who “remembers me as thoughtful and caring” (bullshit: you hardly knew me and I was a raging alcoholic throughout college) but that I should unfriend myself…
When can we just stop trying to rationalize the people that voted for him?