*whatever the fuck that is
*whatever the fuck that is
Lol, chill with the attitude. As you said, there was an “update.” Meaning it came after this Jez article. Woe is me for not being able to read a post that had not yet been written! (And I’ve commented on that, too, if you want to chase it down.)
Oh, no, I didn’t mean that Tilda herself was racist. (Reading back, I should’ve been clearer that I meant literally that her paper-white skin is so white it’s the most “ethereal” part of her but she’s human and prone to human mistakes just like the rest of us. Not saying that she’s a white racist. I don’t think she…
But it’s clear even in these emails that she doesn’t want to be convinced of anything. She has a side and she used Margaret Cho as an Asian sounding board.
Part of the reason I’m so pissed at Anthony Weiner & James Comey for their dickfuckery is because of how it might affect Huma and Hillary’s relationship... Of course, dicks straining female relationships. Ugh. Fuck them both.
Lol I always thought the only thing ethereal about her was how paper-white she is.
Uh. Cheetolini’s celebrating low black voter turnout, due in part to Republican gerrymandering and medieval voting laws that disproportionately target disenfranchised, low-income, poc voters from voting... so... Yeah. He’s celebrating the fact that the racist laws helped him win. He’s saying, “yay racism, thanks for…
The box has already been opened. It gave us T***P and violence and violent rhetoric. It gave us fear.
I will catch them unawares and ninja-dye their hair fuchsia. They’ll get evicted from the T***P’s Wives club because they’ve violated Article 5 Section 2 that details how they should look. Mwhahaha.
the same guy who used his public platform to publish numerous articles last spring and summer to, essentially, depress liberal enthusiasm for our eventual nominee by pointing out all the ways in which she wasn’t a perfect anti-inequality crusader
That mandatory voting is still not a thing is one of the things I think about when I need a depressing reason to drink.
It’s a fantasy. A nice one, but still a fantasy. The Republicans would have gleefully taken him on over Hillary. He would’ve been an easier opponent.
I’ve always liked Gaga SINCE the meat dress and other stuff. It didn’t make sense to me the whole ‘fame whore’ thing because there are definitely other ways to look classy while being a fame whore. If I wanted to wear a meat dress, I’m doing it because fuck, why not? It’s a mEAT DRESS how cool is this!? She always…
I’m pretty sure I’m going to be forever in denial that
Is it bad that my Korean genes are revolting at the mere sight of these pictures?
I don’t know you but sending lots of good vibes your way. I’m so sorry for your Dad, your boyfriend, your flat, your body, your job, and for being back home in a shitty Texas town. If on any future day you find yourself down, please remember that one time this anonymous stranger on the internet wished you all the…
Hillary said, “I’m with Her.” Trump said at rallies every day, “I’m with you white people.” How can your message compare with that?
I recently had an online convo with a white female Bernie supporter who told me that Bernie was a greater feminist than Hillary. One of her reasoning being that Hillary’s comments during the debates about late-term abortions didn’t go far enough for her (because she actually experienced needing a VERY late-term…
For all the good he has done, his optimism is one thing I understand (we’re kinda alike) but also something I’ve felt would be his Achille’s Heel.