
I watched Blue Ruin today. Very good. Eve "marcia, marcia, marcia" Plumb was a nice treat. this dude can make movies good. i hope he keeps going with the colorful titles, that's a fun thing.

actually (ha), we've recently entered the 20th century and have allowed beer distributors to sell less than whole cases and have allowed beer and wine to be sold in select supermarkets. but i still think it's weird the state is selling any product, since why not have them sell other or all products?

but it's a beautiful story of forgiveness and redemption.

as well you should be.

i'm with you. i'll have a drink, or not whatever. all alcohol could disappear from the earth and i wouldn't be particularly upset. and i too live in a state where alcohol laws are crazy. only the state can sell you hard liquor.

iirc, spidey never spoke on the E Co. and it always bothered me.

I watched Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. I think i have to recuse myself from reviewing it, since Bad Lieutenant is one of my all time faves and i don't get why was made and i'm actually against it. it was fine, good even, but stupid and silly in conception. and like, herzog can claim to have never seen


< looks askance at bob newhart >

I missed this when it was published but i discovered a few good new to me podcasts through the schedule for the upcoming Philadelphia Podcast Festival.

yeah, i recall stories about interns writing his thesis.

huh, never knew peter north was a 'nuck. learn something new every day.

look, i liked baby driver, but people are going overboard. it's not immune to criticism. it frankly drags a bit in the middle, especially in the scenes with lily james. and this couldn't be more true:

I virtually never see comedies in the cinema and rarely watch them at all, and it sounds like this could be an example of why.

yeah, the music references in wright films are well done. unlike dr. strange being the cringiest music fan in the history of film.

you know what, i appreciate a roundabout as well. they installed one at this funky intersection by me and it's made all the difference in the world. traffic flows so much better when you're not stuck at some stupid traffic light. when it first opened i drove around it like 3 times. i was going to sit in the middle

the cast was good in the first one, but they were really let down by the script. if this wasn't already made, i'd suggest that maybe letting a woman write the script might help, since i didn't even have to see the credits to know that it was written by dudes.

yeah, but i'm talking about stuff like The Beguiled, say that opened in selected cities last week but wide this week.

both 2016 films

you're not interesting looking