
Waaaaaaait, I have one more: Ex-Athletes (at any level, even pro) who lambaste sportswriters/announcers for NEVER HAVING PLAYED THE GAME AT THE LEVEL I DID, thus rendering them irrelevant in said ex-athlete's mind.


Texans, friend-zone complainers, friend-zone deniers, White Privilege Is Real! and White Privilege Is BS!

The biggest snub, from the final category: Texans.

NHL Network has TWO black hockey analysts. Mind-blowing stuff, brah.

"Don't take this as a knock on MLS..." should be set in extra bold.

Hmmm...trying to find a way to properly capture this whole thing. There's some brutal honesty (quality, quality, quality), and then there's just straight bashing.

I feel like the NBA is a victim of Coming to the Party Late Syndrome: until the mid-80s, nobody gave a rip about it, remember? Tape delay? Bird-Magic? DAVID STERN?

Interestingly, towards the end, you can see NHL teams and "BOBBY ORR" on the sports ticker.

That's pretty much what my job as college radio/media personality entails. Football here, Title IX sports here (women's volleyball, softball, and soccer since the station covers it), and it's in Texas so you know there's little else besides the usual sports drudge of football-baseball-basketball.

Sociological experiment, Exhibit A: The whole Philadelphia 76ers' existence vs. the whole Philadelphia Flyers' existence.

Pretty much hit it on the nail. But they'll have the last laugh when/if MLS hits the soccer jackpot in America. super dedicated and exclusive? Or be a little more open for casual support? It ain't easy.

ESPN isn't balanced at all anymore (listening to their radio guys, they straight-up tell you what's up). I feel like, especially for Hockey Guy, ESPN covering your sport adequately (MLB and the non-LeBron NBA included) is like a validation sticker for you all.

There we go. America's sports landscape is usually NFL #1, baseball in your area, NBA only if your team is good/has a compelling star, and hockey only if you're into it. That's a micro problem, not a macro problem.

Fuckin' A! 'Murca! Can't put us down with all your censorship!