Phillip P

A shame he didn’t run into Dexter or Walter White or Justin Vernon up there.

Isn’t that exactly like it is IRL? (The men are still in charge with little resistance from the women (who are now turning on each other).

More like DIS-appointment television! [Jay Sherman laugh]

Wasting precious bullets on the windows was just baffling. What was the point?

Who in the hell is talking up Crown Royal Apple??? Protip: if it’s fruit flavored brown liquor, it’s trash

C’mon, did any of us really believe that anybody involved in the Trump administration will face any lasting social stigma?

Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas” 

Her love kills, just ask Michael Clark Duncan.

Yes, a picture of a black man—not an actual black man, but a picture of a black man made them mad.

Cops and Government workers.

Wait, he was being serious this whole time? Huh.

Jesus Christ, of all the battles to pick.

As a avid GOT watcher. This checks out.

As an American Arab woman, I really don’t understand the American idea that Arabs and Indians are interchangable. They don’t look at all the same, much less have the same culture or language. Is it just that some Arabs and some Indians wear “turbans”? This “Middle Eastern or Indian” search is really some messed up

I didn’t like how everything Diana learns about humanity, she learns from men. I wanted more meaningful interactions with Etta Candy and Dr. Poison.

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.

That’s what I was going to ask. “I would never.” Yes. Yes you would. You did.

But there’s no accounting for taste, the general audience in America considers Marvel movies to be the pinnacle of cinema at the moment.

That’s how I read it: “If all the rest of THEM were nice and smiling like you, rather than addressing issues, we’d get along just fine.” Like, girl is at work. She was also at the march. Doubt they’d think she was a real American last Saturday.