That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.
That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.
This seems late. The Redskins were removed from the playoff picture way back in November.
I work with a guy who eats out someone before he comes to work, & doesn't brush his teeth.
HaHA, I lost zero followers, because apparently 166 humans like pictures of my cats and face.
Charlton Heston blows up the Death Star at the end.
Wonderful episode, amazing scene. My wife and both screamed at the TV when he fell into dust.
I bet that asshole, Chris Gaines, will be performing in his place.
Jesus, I have such a crush on Mat Fraser. He's so goddamn charming IRL.
I cannot stop laughing at "Gathered Truths". Screw shopping. I'm just going to make homemade truths for everyone. Truth #1: You've just wasted a precious few seconds of your slow march to death reading this truth.
Not even a prosthetic penis....
I'm about to show up to Wes house unannounced if that's how he open's the door.
Who you gonna call?
I'm sure one of the Merry Men will have traveled to or be from China and have brought the secret of black powder with him.
She does seem to have the daughter's wellbeing at heart. But, as ungenerous as it sounds, something sticks in my gut about the couple's willingness to bring up a white baby in a racially homogenous, intolerant area. Don't white kids need to understand diversity as well?
I wish they'd also scrutinize those racist as shit "in the hood" pranks as well.
Authorities learn she works for Goldman Sachs, apologize, give her 15% bonus, too.
"it doesn't matter if it's $94 or $94 million..." Really? Doesn't it just a little? Note to self: do not fall for offer to pick up refund check at bodega down the street.
Then explain homeopathy and anti-vaxxers.