
@VladMalice: I think your friend from Scotland is full of shit - the average doctor's salary in the UK is around £80,000 per year.

@Beardbeardly: Americans built the first computers? Charles Babbage might disagree...

O wad some Power the giftie gie us

A Heavy Rain-style adventure game along the lines of Sebastian Faulks's novel Birdsong could be quite interesting. The difficult thing to do, I think, in making a more realistic war game would be depicting all the waiting around in a way that wasn't as boring for the player as it was for their character.

@BritBloke916: An accurately-rendered Hot Lips Houlihan is all I ask.

Surely if Neil LaBute made a game it would be a totally unnecessary US remake of classic game, which nobody would buy. Super Mario Brothers 3, only set in Detroit and starring Nicholas Cage, something along those lines.

@legerrid: Ah, cut-backs! Funny thing is, the tactic to prevent your opponent from using that method against you was to select a back four composed entirely of centre-backs and then set them all to full defence mentality. Totally unrealistic, you might think, until Diego Maradona did exactly that in Argentina's

Young boys in the park... jumpers for goalposts... isn't it?

All we need now is a remake of Grim Fandango, and my life will be complete.

"Yeah, don't bother trying the cracked version guys; it's, er, not complete, yeah, that'll do. Nothing to see here, move along now."

@InsidiousTuna: Once you've finished, you need to wait a couple of weeks, then go back and watch it all again. You'll be amazed at all the little details you missed the first time around.

Well, I call shenanigans on the molecular diagrams. An sp2-hybridised carbon atom in a bicyclopropyl moiety?

It's been advertised on the telly like nobody's business - people will buy whatever the TV tells them to.

"I find your lack of dedicated multiplayer servers disturbing, commander."

@deanbmmv: Well, I know they're world champions, but I just can't see France triumphing at the European Championships as their forward line is too inexperienced (Christophe Dugarry notwithstanding). On the political front, I am cautiously optimistic about the US Presidential elections, as Al Gore seems sure to

@Blore07: I think HMRC will probably know - you should ask them. When I was a student, I got a rebate for money I earned working during holidays, so I guess you may well be entitled to something.

@Resuriko: Thanks for the help. +1 to Griffindor.

@phicaluk: Well, that doesn't seem to have worked at all. But you know the picture I mean.

Since Easter is in March, I thought I'd submit Salvador Dali's Christ of Saint John of the Cross.By way of a bonus, any captioing of the painting will be ever-so-slightly sacrelicious.