
I knew nothing about this game going in. It took 60+ hours to finally get used to everything; e.g. not push the Pipboy button to back out of, what I thought, was an inventory screen, but was just the individual looting overlay. I made so many mistakes early on, because there are no tutorials. I just figured it out as

When I used to play, I would look for name tags as well, behind buildings. It happens. Take the shot. If you can see the name tag, chances are you are going to hit them when you shoot.

Now playing

I have 100+ hours on Fallout 4 and I have only started fast traveling. I ended up in the same place, this weekend, that looked like some sick game show the Joker would invent. I was presented with a dilemma, until Cait did a magic trick. At first, I was deciding what to do; kill the caravaner or save her. When Cait

Putting this first as a summary, since it is so long. Not everyone is going to agree, but just a perspective:

Now playing

I just tag the junk I need. That way, I only pick up stuff with the magnifying glass symbol next to it. I also ran supply routes between towns, to avoid having to run back and forth; dumping my junk inventory at the closest route. I never have more than 187 in weight, for longer than 15 minutes. I also have stores in

Okay, was anyone else’s baby, like, really dark skinned? Both my character and his wife were white, in the game. I just made up a backstory that she cheated on my character. Other friends have said this same thing about their Shaun.

A friend and I would revisit Diablo between the new releases of games. We were both relatively low at 150. He jump in a game with a random, who happened to be 10,000. Anyway, the next time I jump on with my friend, he is level 850. It kind of ruined the whole working-for-it aspect.

I don’t know. I probably would not pay for it, as I do not watch enough of it to justify that cost. Phil DeFranco is one that I follow all the time, but he advertises in his videos from different companies, which YouTube often has stated they dislike; YouTube prefer the ads, so they get money as well. I have bought

Unfortunately, if you waiting to complete some of the other free DLCs, before the 1.10 patch and HoS Expansion, they no longer work; are broken at the ends of the missions. I have spoken with someone from CDPR. They stated that they are working on another patch for the consoles to make the pre-HoS free DLCs compatible

She kind of looks like Laura Dern.

This is great. I would love to see this with the fake blood version.

I just want a full zombie game from them; single and multiplayer. Something similar to L4D2 or Zombie Army Trilogy would be nice.

My main tip: If you are a Stormtrooper, it is okay to miss and die, more than you get kills. Hell, it’s even canonized. It is okay if you run into walls, hit your head on doors, and somehow ricochet a blast into yourself. It’s canon. Have fun with being a Stormtrooper. If you are an X-Wing Fighter Pilot, it is okay to

Does anyone know if this is one of the reasons Kojima broke ties with Konami? I would, if my ideas ended up being microtransaction-based.

I will definitely follow this. I hope it is the PC version and not the NES version. The work is impressive. I just don’t want to see this become the new Black Mesa.

Honestly, I enjoyed Peace Walker’s Base activities better than MGSV. When you launched your combat crew to fight, you could watch them later, as a turned based RPG. MGSV just seems like a regurgitation and abuse of everything Peace Walker did. It is not a bad game, just... been there, done that.

I just want the ability to create categories for my games. I want to be able to have RPG, FPS, or whatever, and have the games I choose listed under those; as TV & Video does with Netflix, Hulu, Crackle, YouTube, etc. This sorting feature would remove the Library option for me, making it obsolete; except for maybe

I am going to start by saying that I am a programmer. I am in a salaried position. I get a bonus every year based on the performance of our department. Last year, we made the company $65 million+. Our bonus was, needless to say, fantastic. When I first started with the company, I was not paid so well. My department

I love this. It has Half-Life colors all over it. It is like the Hazard Suit of consoles.

Meanwhile, in Africa, I beat up child soldiers. Yep.