
Frankly, I stopped playing because of other games. I knew, in the beta, that my time with Destiny would end after a couple of months. From alpha to beta, I saw it going in a direction that I didn't like. Upon release, I did not see much of a difference in developer vision. Although a good game, 6 out of 10 (post

At first, I was the same way. However, after you get to some of the more advanced skills, things get very fun.

Honestly, I prefer the Sleeping Dogs lockpicking, over the Bethesda style. Granted, Sleeping Dogs is close to Oblivion lockpicking, but it is so much better. I would have loved to have had this style of lockpicking in the game, over the current form.

I disagree with the kicking. It is not as necessary as it was in Dead Island. In fact, I rarely use it, except with the guys in hazmat suits.

At this point, the guns are useless. My melee weapons are 1300 damage. All the guns are around 187. However, when I want a challenge, I just pick up a piece of wood or pipe that is around 19. I never had the auto aim on and rarely used the guns. I even turned the crosshair and hints off. The main disappointment I have

Yea, the only leaderboards I ever cared about were on the old arcade machines. There was something so satisfying about seeing your initials at the top of Galaga, Frogger, Ms. Pac-Man, TMNT, and X-Men; especially when you went in the next week and you were still #1.

There is a point in the game, where the guns no longer even matter. Seriously. The guns never seem to get above 187-207; while my melee weapons are all sitting at around 1,100-1,200.

Yeah, by the time I fought Tahir, my weapons were all about 1,100 in damage. Then, I get them taken away and handed a 16-32 damage machete. Really? I guess they did not want the fights to go over too quickly. However, they should have just make Tahir more armored against these types of attack, rather than taking

I'm still waiting for live action Thundercats. I need more shows from my childhood ruined.

Yeah, my friend and I laughed at that one. He spent so much time at that cave in Destiny.

Now playing

The worst side missions, in this game, are 100 times more fun than the main story line for the Dead Island games. I have completed this and my only disappointment was that they made the last fight a QTE fight. With every other mini-boss fight in the game being controlled by the player, this just felt anti-climatic. I

Nighttime stealth mode? Pfft. I ran my ass off. That was fun and intense.

How about Far Cry 5: The End of Searching for Endless, Pointless Loot/Tampons/Condoms.

A Far Cry game in the Spaghetti Western style set in the late 19th century Americas

A Far Cry game in remote Alaska about surviving extreme wilderness

One of my biggest issues with games, these days, is the endless waves of make-work. I started Assassin's Creed series, but quickly stopped. NO! I will not collect 100 feathers. I look at series like Far Cry, AC, and now DAI, and feel overwhelmed. Being a completionist, I get almost overloaded with what I must do to

Far Cry 4 has some wonderful glitches. You can randomly come across chickens that are invincible, runaway buzzers, and runaway trucks that kill your friends.

There should be a randomized IQ test, before allowing people to log on to these networks. If you fail, you do not play online, that day.

So, North Korea's networks and mobile services are down. I am taking bets on who gets their network back up first, PlayStation or North Korea.

Rocks? All you need is a pond, and it's still a better game than Destiny.