And they say video games are violent. Pfft. Some people need to read more.
And they say video games are violent. Pfft. Some people need to read more.
They're squinting from all the lens flares on the cover. I wonder if J.J. Abrams was involved with the cover art.
Honestly, the game I am most excited about is Blacklight Retribution. After beta testing and playing this game on PC, I can say it is one of the better multiplayer experiences. Yes, you can play as male or female (before CoD ever thought about it), you can drop mechs into the middle of combat, and you get a visor that…
"You got your judy chop and your ninjy chop."
I remember the first KI coming out in the arcade and on SNES. Of course, its timed release was around MK3. So, not a lot of people got into it as much as MK3. I am really interested to see how this newest edition will rank up there with new games like Injustice. Honestly, since Rare went out of business, it is good to…
I think the violence in this is perfect. Let me explain. Everything about this world is covered in beauty. And I mean everything as in racism, false religion, fascism, etc. The blood and violence is like a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to the whole illusion. It is what separated us from being completely sucked into the…
There hasn't been much I have enjoyed since Black Ops. World at War and Black Ops are the only ones I still own on console. I still have CoD 1 and 2 on PC. Having said that, I wish they would get back to their roots of WW2 games. Or, I wish they would finally release a WWI game.
I think the song that plays, while he races home for the first time to reunite with his family, was more moving for me.
If you scrape or dig hard enough on the top of the disc, you can actually dig through the layer with the data. This is relatively easier to do than scraping through the bottom layer of polycarbonate. The structure of a disc is the artwork, a lacquer layer, the layer with data, and then the bottom polycarbonate layer.…
that lady was out of line for asking everyone in line if they wanted the guys business card and email to contact him for holding up the line. Then, she continues to address the rest of the line of gamers in a type of passive-aggressive humiliation of the customer. Sorry, but I will have to agree with the guy here. The…
When someone files down a violent video game disk into a sharp weapon, that is when I will believe that violence is caused by violent video games. Wait, there is a gun correlation in there somewhere.
The smartest thing that Microsoft could have done was create two machines. They should have created a machine just for gaming. Then, they should have created one primarily as an entertainment system; i.e. NFL, TV, Blu-Ray, etc. They could have sold the gaming machine for less and the other system at normal price.…
A proper apology is often accompanied by penance. In this case, a full refund to players seems appropriate.
I do believe that his has to be the best metal version. He does all sorts of metal covers.
Just spent an hour in this map. It is truly spectacular. The teleportation is awesome. I would like to play this with an actual crew.
This looks promising and beautiful. I play GW2 and that game has made my jaw drop on numerous occasions, but not like this.
It's the Internet! So many people are sucked into this. Who is to say what is real, what the truth is, or what the facts are? Truth, like beauty, is all based on perception, presentation, and the willingness to accept what we are given. This is why people believe everything the news, a friend, Google, governments, or…