
There are an endless list of things to hit Bezos for. This story has inspired Jezebel to hit pretty much only grossly inappropriate things.

Because now Bezos is the subject of gleeful, prurient stories promoting revenge porn in ostensibly progressive sites like Jezebel?

Why Michael would care so much about whether his sister continued an affair with a married man is beyond me

Oh, I agree that it’s a terrible idea, but since clearly government has decided that replacing the infrastructure in a timely manner is off the table (I assume since it’s largely the less-affluent neighborhoods which were affected), there’s a case to be made that environmental conditions have made those homes

I’m sure this got universal positive feedback in the staff Slack channel.

and don’t forget the anti-choice rapist who’s going to be on the Court for another forty or so years.

Apparently openly gloating over the Jim Crow outcome isn’t a problem for ‘progressives’

Whoever their Republican plutocrat funders tell them to.

OK, be fair. Have you read this site? 

The courage of her convictions certainly seems to be lacking.

YKINMK, but that’s OK.

This is one of the few areas where The Root and Jezebel intersect. It’s a bit disquieting.

Really? Should she ask Alliance for Youth Action, Arena, The Collective PAC, Color of Change, Demand Justice, Emerge America, Indivisible, iVote, Latino Victory, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Run for Something, Swing Left and Voto Latino for the tens of millions she’s quietly raised for them since 2016 back?

I don’t blame anyone who can’t get past the racial history of the Clinton administration, for all that most of the horrible shit didn’t happen until Clinton shelved her and invited Republicans into the mix.

Well, cheer up. Bernie’s little TYT rage kewpie Nomiki Konst (whose one successful campaign was helping her mom win the seat upstate she sold to Chris Collins for a patronage job) just came in tenth out of sixteen candidates for NYC Public Advocate, with a ton of money and the support of Republican donors, Susan

Oh, probably for the same reason his only time he left his book tour while healthcare was twisting in the wind was to vote against an anti-gun bill.

because his Ukrainian ratfuck guru Tad Devine can’t do him any good in a Republican race, and there aren’t enough Independents to make a difference.

This. The downside of teaching them to enjoy really good food is a five year old determined to order the rack of lamb.

but being raised by people who are willing to take the chance so randos on youtube will be amused will probably leave a few dings.

but < people who prefer food made of food