Whatever they may say about not caring about the consequences, these maggots always go after women who the authorities aren’t going to stand behind, even if they’re clearly victims of illegal actions.
Whatever they may say about not caring about the consequences, these maggots always go after women who the authorities aren’t going to stand behind, even if they’re clearly victims of illegal actions.
Maybe it also had something to do with her being targeted by HUAC that she was married to Harlem Democratic Congressman and civil rights crusader Adam Clayton Powell at the time?
You had me at deglaze with vermouth.
Don Jr ghosted his father after the divorce, which just happened to be when his dad was maybe not going to be rich any more. I’m thinking Trump Sr noticed that too.
Cabin in the Sky is prime Lena Horne (and Ethel Waters, come to think of it, in her brief good time woman scenes).
The Jeff Bezos sexting and dick pic saga, a line that brings me little joy to type as we slog through 2019
‘The LGBTQs are a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan,” or ‘The LGBTQ is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klansman,”
He says he decided to run for Delegate because people were all mean about Conversion Therapy, which he imagines is a speech issue.
Yeah, exit polls from the primary said the good working men of WV who gave him the state were overwhelmingly planning to vote for Trump.
Since the caller supposedly was trying to arrange a meetup, it's a little hard to believe he didn't identify himself.
Not necessarily that closely. He came in eight votes ahead of number four in a vote for three out of five election.
I feel like Trump’s SOTU was meant to make SOCIALISM TEH EVUL a thing. This guy just isn't very good at messaging.
To be a fly on the wall when they tested their new everything bad is socialism talking point on their landline owner focus group.
Oh, that I totally agree with. But then, I’m also on the he abuses stimulants (possibly to self-medicate for undiagnosed ADHD) train, so apparently all addictive behavior isn’t created equal.
He has, though. What little he managed to accomplish in his life (with his father’s money) was due to Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy’s evil genius-turned-NY political fixer, who got his dad out of the federal civil rights charges, greased politicians for him, and got him past the tunnel traffic ropes into the sleazy Manhattan…
Two teenaged jackoffs pushed a small asian woman away from anything she could hold onto on the bus between Flushing and Jamaica.
So, the son of the guy who killed those unimportant brown children plus that other guy because it would have been expensive to let them live has not handled his inherited opportunities to be expensively mediocre well?
I’ve found that people who try to be decent human beings because it’s the right thing to do are generally better than people who try to appear to be decent human beings because they want a better reputation than they deserve.
Yeah, I feel like the fact that he turned into a jackass when he was hired by the head of Marvel, who singlehandedly supports Trump PACs, is not a coincidence.
Oh, whatever. He was introduced to his fiancee by her mom, who is currently dating George W Bush’s poll guy (who bragged about being the man who convinced Karl Rove that division and ugliness was more effective than, you know, governing).