The most dank thing about Ice Cube having to teach him manners isn’t that Ice Cube had to teach him manners. The truly screwed up thing is that Ice Cube had to teach him manners because he’d already blown off Symone Sanders, who said the same thing.
The most dank thing about Ice Cube having to teach him manners isn’t that Ice Cube had to teach him manners. The truly screwed up thing is that Ice Cube had to teach him manners because he’d already blown off Symone Sanders, who said the same thing.
Apparently being an asshole is fashionable.
I’m really encouraged that the hardcore freshmen are going onto committees where they can use their clearly well-honed messaging skills against Trump and the Republicans while they gain tenure and institutional knowledge. I think it’s a win for everyone (with the exception of Rep Moulton and his wwc-humping ilk, who…
I’m guessing that the liberals didn’t threaten him and the people who were pissed off that he apologized to the liberals did.
That he thinks there are political sides to saying I love you says a lot about him.
with a soupcon of hipster brew pubs full of people who care a lot about ethics in games journalism
And when he finds out that anonymous twitter assholes in Canada and Ukraine aren’t a big percentage of his walk-in cookie sales he’ll reapologize and nobody will be listening.
Hey, you know who else has an invisible hand?
They’re working on it.
Owned by Nestlé, who are problematic on a lot of levels.
So they hook up with the handmaid’s tale crowd because they're obsessed with women's autonomy and money just happens to change hands. Yeah, that sounds sincere.
In fairness, though, you didn’t have to bend Calvinism too far to get to that.
I think you make a good point. The head of the LGBTQ+ group at my kid’s extremely progressive college told her freshman year that there was no such thing as bisexuals, just cowardly and hypocritical lesbians. I don’t know her life, but I can’t begin to tell you how pissed off I am that my kid was negated by her…
In theory, yes. In practice, sadly, often not so much.
It’s at least a little different that they’re defining their identity as “feminists” with identity determinism based on birth anatomy. That’s generally more of a Mike Pence thing.
I first ran into the TERF phenomenon around the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival in the early eighties. They were called separatists then.
Because TERFs are feminists in much the same way as Trump’s shock troops are libertarians or classic liberals. Being reactionary based on birth gender is not a feminist value.
Fiji’s entire Golden Globe schtick was predicated on using the likeness of celebrities to promote their product without permission.
Yeah, I remember Jamie Lee Curtis being unhappy when Ms Cuthbert did essentially the same thing to her.
There were national newspaper stories about Clara Bow’s (non-existent) orgies with the UCLA football team.