
I don’t understand why they would even sign him at this point. Can someone explain this to me?

It was reported ysterday that the fire was growing by 80 football felds per minute. The air quality here is terrible. Just like it was last year. Located in Sonoma County. 


He just continues to make his case for best punter ever. Hook’em

Ike’s is bomb.

In N Out has always sucked. Nothing new. Most overrated thing in California. Beating out the entire city of L.A. even. 

It by definition is still racism. It’s just that whites have been on the opposite end of it for so long it doesn’t matter to basically everyone.

I feel bad for PES. I’ve never played it. I’m a fifa guy. It just has more content (leagues etc). But PES always looks fantastic and probably better. Is it? Reminds me of Madden 2005 vs 2K5.

The Rockets won because the Warriors were making basically none of their shots. And then turning the ball over again, which they love to do on occasion. If the Warriors play like the usually do, they win game 2. Which makes me think the series is still theirs.

I stopped using Snapchat back when the beta version of the redesign came out. Fall of ‘17. There’s no reason for me to go back anymore now that it’s changed. The habit has been killed. And Snapchat seems to be failing and will be gone soon enough anyways.

The M5 has been slow and dated since the AWD Model S came out. Nothing new here.

I love and hate Comcast. They have the best service in my area. But their business practices are terrible. I recently ended my subscription with them as I moved in with someone. And on my final bill they tried to charge me for unreturned equipment. It was returned. So i had to chat with someone to get it fixed. I know

Tabasco is my least favorite hot sauce. Tastes like crap.

I am with you brother, I have a great collection of Blu-rays. Although Ihad been holding off on buying many lately as I need to upgrade to a 4k player and want to but 4k discs instead. Soon!

Warriors fan here, I unfortunately think the pelicans will take this series in 6. I don’t see the comeback of Curry going smooth enough to outscore them.

Sorry for your loss at such a young age.

As a 49ers fan, I was really sad to see Borland go with how much potential he had. But I am glad he is doing well outside of the NFL and I am looking forward to what else he does to help others.

You, are a damn fool.

You sound like a happy person LOL

This generation is so ugly. The mustang is the best looking of the two. And the million year old Challenger looks better too.