Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

You’re probably right, but in politics McCain has always been a mealy-mouthed coward. I wouldn’t put it past him to drop breadcrumbs for the crazies.

I’m pretty sure he chose those words for that very reason.

I think you answered your own question. He did it specifically to rile up the conspiracy nutjobs in support of Trump. He was out there to dog whistle and toe the party line, while putting up a facade of being a “maverick.”

Excellent writeup. I hope Democrats learn from history and heed your advice.

I knew I missed Larry and The Nightly Show, but I never really realized just how much until watching this. Somebody give this man another show.

Traitors’ Terrace

There’s so much that infuriates about these people, but that stupid hypocritical nonsense sends me into a rage. How fucking dare you preach about “unity” and “respect for the president” after the last eight years!?

A lot of people are telling me there are machines. Some of them are really bad machines, and they do bad things. Sad! But a lot of people, smart people, really smart people, they’re just the greatest, tell me that my machine is oiled. They say it’s a very, very, very, very, bigly well-oiled machine. I think they’re

With a great deal of effort, I imagine. Being perpetually wrong seems to be his only discernable skill.

Trumpers have been calling Fox “liberal media” for about a year now. They’re still upset that Fox was pushing for the more standard candidates over Trump, and their unbridled whininess knows no bounds.

Now the snowflakes need a hug. Sad!

Daaww, how cute. It’s little Donny’s first factual statement!

The only thing I didn’t like about his show was its run time. It would have been so much better if they had an hour.

I’m down with that. HBO already snagged John Oliver and Jon Stewart is working on some projects for them, so they might as well hire another Daily Show alum. Larry was really getting into a good rhythm about the time CC gave him the boot, and I feel like he could slide right in as Real Time’s new host.

I’m fucking done. No more jokes, no more playing around. This disgusting piece of filth is a traitor. Plain and simple. There is no question at this point. It has been confirmed that Donald Trump knowingly elevated the traitor Steve Flynn to the position of National Security Advisor, a position that no known or

That’s been going on for at least a year now. Breitbart sicced their goons on Fox all throughout the primaries. Any source that has anything less than glowing reviews of Trump and his Nazis is considered to be far left these days.

Literally everything they claim to be is antithetical to what they actually are.

Don’t you just love that not a single Republican has any problem with the Trump regime’s private e-mail servers and dodging of FOIA requests?

To be fair, Shep is often a voice of (something approaching) reason on Fox.

The lingering taste of Trump’s ass.