Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

Pssh, like he’s gonna read all that. He’s not some elitist, who reads more than 140 characters at a time.

Not just you. Blasting everything with gold is basically the Platonic ideal of tackiness.

That may be the least surprising thing I’ve heard today. He’s exactly the type of asshole who would pull something like that.

Is it really all that surprising?

Oh my god, I hope he tries to pay his way through this. I doubt even the GOP could spin “attempting to bribe federal judges” in their favor.

Many bullies are weak and spineless when you get down to their core, but this asshole takes the cake. He just caves completely to whoever he last talked to.


I hope history remembers him as “the President who couldn’t even turn the lights on”. I think that’s an apt encapsulation of his and his cabinet’s incompetence.

Never mind something Katrina sized, Trump wasn’t even able to handle the tornadoes a couple weeks ago.

In fact, that might even hurt one’s chances at this point.

It really sucks that it comes down to that, but at least the corporations are (ostensibly) benefiting the little guy (for right now).

That should be the title of his presidential biography.

I got a pair of Sennheiser HD 201S a few years ago for $20, and I’ve been happy with them. There are better headphones out there, but these have good sound quality and they’re really comfortable.

I got a pair of Sennheiser HD 201S a few years ago for $20, and I’ve been happy with them. There are better

He’s fine, and I have proof:

Well, what is a woman if not an “alternative man”?

Or Malheur? Or Charleston? Or any of the insane number of right-wing white folks who commit the majority of terrorist attacks and mass shootings?

OK, so, not at all the point, but does it bother anyone else that “bloody mary” is all lowercase while every other item is capitalized?


This is pretty much my plan. To me it seems like I’d be muddling the message if I were to join in, but I’ll sure as hell call out any whiny assholes I encounter.

I have to say, this is my absolute favorite new portmanteau. I’m totally stealing this.