Neil Patrick Harris' PhD in Horribleness

It isn’t a matter of differing political opinions. It’s the fact that this woman tirelessly worked to the detriment of humanity for the better part of a century. It’s the fact that she became wealthy and famous for saying women should have to stay in the kitchen while she had multiple degrees and hired nannies to rear

I absolutely can’t stand beer, but I’m going to have to buy some of this to support what she hated.

I’ve got no advice, just commiseration. I’ve been in a depressed funk for a bit over a year and a half now as well. Too much drinking, too little human interaction, and constant regret and self-loathing. I’m too sick to work more than part time, too poor to pay for the doctor and dentist appointments I sorely need,

Now playing

To anyone who thinks their super-healthy diet will make them live forever, watch the first two minutes and twenty seconds of this:

Overall, 2016 has been essentially the shittiest year in recent memory. It’s comforting to know that, years from now, when I look back on this horrible period, I can reminisce about the relatively innocuous batshit insanity of Ben Carson. From the Egyptian grain silo conspiracy theories, to the complaints that the

I just hope that woman has a belt buckle.

Scott Walker. He stole $250 million from the UW system, then gave it - free and clear - to one of his campaign contributors. He set up a governmental organization that only exists to give his cronies shitloads of taxpayer money. He eliminated the Government Accountability Board, which was in the middle of

Uh, no. You don’t get to blame this on “puritanical America”. This guy was sending and receiving sexts within inches of his child, including some that featured the child. That’s not OK. Acting like this is just something “puritanical” is like complaining about the fact that adult men can’t just go around impregnating

Nope. If you haven’t refunded the game by the time you hit 25 unplayable hours, that’s squarely on you. You don’t get to whine about it after you’ve had literally more than a day’s worth of time to mull it over.

No. If you haven’t figured out by ~2 hours in whether you like the game or not, then you’ve liked it enough to deserve to have to pay for it. All these whiners complaining about “Oh, I’m only thirty hours in, how can I know if I like it!!1!” need to grow the fuck up. You bought it, and if it wasn’t immediately

So, he’s doing the Elaine dance, right?

I’m not sure I get what’s actually being offered here, cost-/efficiency-wise. As I understand it, I get to avoid the monthly DVR fees to the service provider, but I then have to purchase additional equipment as well as paying a different monthly fee to actually use said equipment as a DVR. Am I understanding this

So here’s this girl, trying to lift herself up by her bootstraps (er, sandal straps), and the Big Gubment (AKA *teachers*) crushes her ‘Murrican dream. Thanks Obama!

You definitely should. I wasn’t really crazy about the first two episodes either, but about the third or fourth is when I really got into it.

Martin’s got your back.

That’s definitely fair criticism, but I still think the upcoming Tetris movie is an even more ridiculous adaptation than that. At least Jumanji had a concept that could have a plot shoehorned into it.

Do you actually think the Democratic Party gives a shit about this? All they have to do is keep saying, “Gosh, we’d love to try, but that’s not pragmatic.” They have us over the same barrel that the Republicans do, and all the parties have to do to keep getting votes (and therefore money, power, and control) is to

I’ve never really been much of an instant yeast fan. I spent several years working in my grandpa’s bakery, and I’ve developed a rather purist attitude toward baking as a result. I may try it at some point, but it just feels... odd. It seems a bit like cheating, and I have this (perhaps irrational) feeling it’ll throw