
As per your Bell Labratory article...

@Msj2705: I assume the two of them would change into the colour of the scanner it's looking at....

@k21975: Yeah! Go to the TF site and read the blog for the tron watch...

Awesome article.

More exciting than this watch - is the Tron watch that is being made now because of "us"...

There are hose attachments to clean high windows without wiping... geesh.

"Flying snakes" are nothing new...

This is clearly fake. The chair is not gold-plated.

Gizmodo - Streetview is always truth until proven fake.

There are 'Point and Shoots' that take glass peripherals. This is just going to let that market surge there...

@Tightlines: They will, but it's the same ass-hats who hate freedom too.

Good luck with that America...

Queue the "Tool" references...

@junior ghoul: I selfishly exaggerated that for a cheap laugh. It's almost a national pass time up here...

Last time i checked the tennis ball gun on American Gladiators was loud as FUDGE and only shot tennis balls. : )

@hbuzzell: Security personnel; a part of the story they leave out. . . the big entourage of people in this convoy.

I'd rather have an aggressive drunk taking care of the weapons transport than a passive pot-head.

This must be for accident prone people... as opposed to the nostalgic crowd.

I like how these new douches, AHEM — ARTISTS name their creation before even making it.