
I’m also excited to see this. It’ll be nice to give Jeep some competition. Right now the price keeps creeping upwards because they have no need to build a cheaper version. You want a Jeep, you buy what they sell. A Bronco might be able to get them to pay attention to the lower end models to keep new people coming into

You should check out Pipe-Eye and Mild High Club as well.

I love “I’m In Your Mind Fuzz”. I should investigate more, but you know how it is.

Oh! That’s the Australian band who gave an album away so people could be free to make and distribute copies however they wanted!

Oh man have fun down that rabbit hole! Those guys are prolific to say the least;)

It does nothing but piss people off. The majority of murders, crimes, and assaults where the type of firearm is known are committed with handguns. It seems the criminals like concealable weapons that are easy to hide, carry, and dispose of after committing a crime.

oh man, there’s something about when they drive with their leg sticking out the door that really gets to me

1987 Suzuki LT4WD, the precursor to the King Quad. Everything changed in 1988, so very few parts were interchangeable. I learned that I could only use 1987 parts, and it had to have the locking differential.

I want more female lead characters, like anyone else, but I’m not sure why so many seem to be demanding this male character be remade into a female one. Sure, it’s possible in the fiction, but why is it so important? Why not make a new female character and have her establish herself on her own merits? Would that be

They did. Google “Celica GT4" and “Celica All-Trac”


dumping a bunch of fuel into the engine when you get off the throttle. Produces copious tailpipe flames and keeps the turbo spinning so that boost is maintained when you get back on the throttle again.

I agree, it’s a great car for the money. Now Shut UP about it so it stays that way and I can get one for cheap.

Like Sam Elliott’s mustache.

Because there’s the right way to do something and the wrong way. The right way involves more dolla’ dolla’ bills y’all and more work, but yields a lowered AND firm suspension. Cutting springs messes up the entire geometry of the suspension, most importantly because the shocks aren’t meant to ride that low. They’re

599 with gated manual is the answer.

It helps when literally everything just falls into Lex’s lap, in ways he should have no control over (Batman deciding to build the krypto-spear, getting access to the alien ship from the government for some reason, gaining full control of said alien ship for some other reason.)

Statistically speaking, yes it is ignorant.

Yeah, the article addresses that point.