
Well as far as the carriers in the us there are none as of yet, the only way to buy one in the US is pre order through amazon and they are the international unlocked phones for $800 bucks a pop, (no carrier subsidies)

First. i like the screen name (what year ? I'm a big fan of the first gens)

What i'm getting at is that the carriers don't preorder they tend to just order, they already know they will be getting a certain number of phones due to contracts with the manufacturer. generally the pre-orders are used to determine how many phones the carrier should order,so even if the numbers are skewed they as

A few things about sprint.

Other than that's normally how cell phones are sold and GOOGLE ? . Carriers don't just outright buy phones from the manufacturer. they have contracts ahead of time with the manufacturer to have phones provided to them, since different carriers use different radios and such, each phone typically has to be made

Oh i guess they already thought of that.

The orders were placed Through the carriers by consumers. Plus a lot that were preordered were unlocked.

I don't think the phone would psychically be much bigger,they could theoretically keep almost the same footprint by stretching the screen to the far coroners of the phone, looking at the current iPhone there is quite a bit of real estate not being used.


"See, Ashton's face is going for the early young Jobs—except for that stupid haircut—when the Apple II and the Macintosh were introduced. But the fact is that Jobs didn't wear the now classic Levi's and the custom Japanese black sweater uniform until the last decade of his life. "

Sure they can, the pilot can probably have an approved device for flying, where is it would be imposable to approve every device let alone every combination of devices that could be used by passengers.

I think he was being facetious.

Because 1 phone texting is different from 220-300 phones texting.

Transmission rebuild.Special sequence of disassembly/reassembly, shimming pre loading gears,special tools and just plain general knowledge that you only gain from years of experience.

Wow...just wow................................

I can say without a doubt that they aren't even close to the same any any aspect other than being a scoop on a hood.

The Neon SRT4 had a scoop like that in 2003 the Speed3 didnt get its till 2009...

Seems typical of most Lexus drivers

I happen to like my badge.

I always read it as Tard ...Trad Warrior...Ha