Interference is still an issue and will all ways be an issue. In fact it becomes more of an issue as circuits become smaller and use less power,they become more susceptible to interference.
Interference is still an issue and will all ways be an issue. In fact it becomes more of an issue as circuits become smaller and use less power,they become more susceptible to interference.
All that stuff is characterized. Its all a known its all a constant. personal devices in buildings and on the tarmac are far enough away from the runway to not matter. During testing we actually simulate the environment . Devices are subjected to EM/RF field swept from dc to daylight multiple times and different…
My guess would be that there are systems in use on the ground that are not in use when at altitude. On top of that If everyone turned on there devices at altitude and something went wrong there's enough time have everyone power down and correct the problem,the plane wont just fall out of the sky,as apposed to a…
My guess would be that since DO-160 is more stringent than commercial requirements that rather than test every commercial device against flight hardware they only look at the fact that it passed commercial...they don't care how far below the limit it was ,it will just be assume that it is emitting the max that is…
If i had to take a guess...becasue its just easier. I'm sure you don't want to hear the fight attendant have to explain why some people can and cant have certain device powered up.
I do EMI/EMC compliance testing for mostly military hardware. Some do-160 and some FCC engineering evaluation testing.
Most airplane modes still allow the user to enable wi-fi.
Zonda start up...ofthen mistaken for god clearing his throat.
Isn't that kinda like offering a vegan a steak becasue their tofu was undercooked...
Knowing that i got stuck behind a trunk trying to pass another truck for 5 miles just so he could go 3mph faster dose not make me feel the least bit better or more understanding.
Heart click to you.
This use to be true , but with all the new fangled computer controlled vavlebodys it is no longer, iv been in quite a few autos that will shake your fillings loose when they shift. Despite that i still don't like autos in any form.
If i bought this ,i wonder how long it would take my friends to notice its a calendar full of hippie cars.
5 and 2 are my biggest pet peeves. I always get stuck behind someone trying to merge onto the highway at 40mph ...there's a reason why on-ramps are as long as they are.
I'm not sure ,but me thinks something may be broke,becasue on all the pics on his site those dangly bits cant be seen.
Pulse jet ...soo i'm gonna have to rebuild it after every trip,take 200miles to get up to 200mph and ware water cooled pants to keep from melting the skin off the lower part of my body.
looked like two fairly skilled drivers in there minis and one not so skilled in a Porsche or the 911 was just taking it easy and probably should have let them pass then over took them on the straight.