The institution of cheerleading is stupid enough, but to pretend that NFL cheerleaders are anything more than go-go dancers with pom-poms is even more ludicrous. It couldn’t be more obvious if they were in cages suspended from the Superdome roof.
The institution of cheerleading is stupid enough, but to pretend that NFL cheerleaders are anything more than go-go dancers with pom-poms is even more ludicrous. It couldn’t be more obvious if they were in cages suspended from the Superdome roof.
Yup. Democrats fustrate me a lot of the time but every single one of them have something that Republicans no longer have. Shame. I don’t know many Democrats who would target a survivor of gun violence because they thought it would be a solid political move.
I would like to add/emphasize, “Vote in the primaries and the special elections.”
And the NRA themselves supported that legislation.
Moving the goal posts makes it harder to win, dontcha know
This from people who swear up and down that they’re against “political correctness.”
Not surprising. That kind of double talk is par for the course with racist shitheads. Particularly against Latinos, as I can personally attest. They want you to be American, but when they need you to be a stereotype of what they think a Latino should be, they shit on you for not conforming to that.
Damn it this pisses me off. She is a teenager.
Can’t be said enough.
The spread of the fake constitution image is terrifying. People are going to get this girl shot by wannabe “patriots” who think they’re defending their country...
When Ronald Reagan was governor of California he signed a major piece of gun-control legislation. The reason he did this is because the Black Panthers marched to the Capitol armed with rifles.
It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.
I wonder how King would feel if there was a concentrated effort to arm black and brown people with AR-15s. Talk about pants being shat.
Vote vote vote vote vote. Vote in every local election. Vote every time they crack the door to the polling place. Fucking VOTE.
Yes, hugfart, I’m the one who’s easily offended.
Thank you for this. I have spent my life with friends and loved ones who swear I should love The Boondocks Saints and I find the damn thing unwatchable. It stands alongside SLC Punk on my list of overrated films I am done apologizing for thinking are trash.
Man, I loved this movie back in the day so much that I wore a shitty hoodie I got at Hot Topic with the prayer written on it ALL THE DAMN TIME.
Agreed. I use “cuck”, “snowflake” and “SJW” as cut-off terms. If I see them used without irony, I stop bothering with the person entirely, because it tells me everything I need to know about them. It would be nice to continue with that instead of adding some doubt or possible confusion to the mix.
“Charlie, who we can all agree is a cuck”
He must have some amazing redeeming qualities, then.