
God fuck her and her vanity project. She chose to release this one week after the election. Typical white self-entitled privileged female just like the Scum Sheryl Sandberg of the world. I got mine, fuck everyone else.

In my mind the anti-vaxxers usually occupy that space that’s so far left (or so far right) that it’s completely gone around the circle and touched the other side. They’re basically political reavers floating in the outer quadrants. See also: people who homeschool for “spiritual/religious” reasons.

And if they die, I mean, at least they won’t get autism!

Anti vaxxers 3rd party voters are selfish, misinformed and / or willfully ignorant assholes.

Sorrynotsorry, that opening was just too perfect.

Squinty and Stepford-ish work better.

Muting “cuck” ASAP.

I think I would like the Guardian better if they didn’t let random people write about health.

The best they could come up with was f*— your father and love trumps hate? Kids these days aren’t very creative.

Wrong. I am spouting American values since the time this country was created. It was Republicans who bastardized hard work and ethics. Democrats just said they wanted a safety net in case things happens to people. I have no idea how you got libertarianism out of that.............a movement who wants zero government,

I think your definition of art might be too narrow. For example, some of the greatest comics were created by artists living in Thatcher’s UK.

This just reminds me of how the Futurists were excited about World War I and what they saw as the clean slate it could bring.

Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.

I don’t think you understand.

Friendly reminder to delete your social media before clownfuck takes over, especially Facebook.

Just having an open and successful funny meme sharing. Now professional commenters, incited by righteous anger, are mentioning the reality of handing the presidency over to an incompetent jerk. Very unfair!

Now that your party will have control over all three branches of government you won’t be able to blame the libtards anymore...sad.

No, we’re not.

Serious question:

I know I’m not. Allowing him to host SNL last year was a Category 5 mistake.

so i’m from uruguay. would love to help out anyone who wants to move here now (for real). look uruguay up. we will welcome refugees with open arms . However I must say... ya’ll really fucked it up this time.