
Can’t star this enough.

I agree, but I don’t get it. I don’t know where people’s sense of “civic duty” went. Taxes aren’t inherently evil. Democratic government isn’t inherently evil. When I drive on public roads, take my kids to a public park, visit the local library, go to parent-teacher conferences, hear the sound of a police siren or a

He’s a libertarian. ... his primary political hero is Murray Rothbard, the Austrian economist who inspired the stateless anarcho-capitalist movement. ... Since he’s running as a Republican, he also quotes Ronald Reagan.

Absolutely. That last line in the article is just pure distilled dumb-fuckery. Sheahan isn’t going to light up the NHL, but he’s a talented player, and to call him “bad” is to be wrong. Historically unlucky, absolutely. But “bad” is not accurate.

“In football, you can’t negotiate championships.”

Yes the reception there would be very jarring because those San Francisco fans sure did show the rest of the NFL how to be accepting of a human rights stance by an athlete.

This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.

True, and I would have been a-okay with Undertaker losing and retiring. It’s WHO he lost to that’s stuck in my craw. I will fully admit, though, that I’m hard pressed to think of a wrestler who could shoulder the honor of retiring Taker. Short of Cena, it seems that WWE painted themselves in a corner when it comes to

Can’t wait for Brock Lesnar to show up once every few months to defend his title for the next year until Roman wins it from in at WM34.

Ten year old me just creamed.

Were it about her wanting to go back to school, or maybe take up yoga or even if she was genuinely interested in changing careers, totally. I would be an extreme bag of dicks for shutting her down.

...oh and speaking of Amway, the founder’s daughter-in-law is now Secretary of Education!!! ‘Merica!!!

He is a genuinely good kid in a sport that’s filled with some absolute animals.

Atletico Real San Diego FC United.

Shouldn’t Puerto Rico be part of the American team? I know they’re not a state, they’re whatever an unincorporated territory is, but we have three things we call territories and they’re still Canada.

Same here. it became the rape & torture of the week show. It baffles me how so many people are still so into it.

Hey, hypocrite. And I don’t even need to guess, because I’m sure.

Can’t. We live in a PC world where if you say anything slightly offensive or off color you need to be strung up.

wow people get butthurt so easy,fucking relax world.