
Lesnar has a pretty bad reputation for shooting doesn't he? I stopped following the WWE after the attitude era but I always hear that everyone hates wrestling him.

I’ve been riding for years and the idea of lane splitting fucking terrifies me. I’ve had enough people almost take me out while riding in my own lane I can't imagine what would happen if I tried to share it with one of those fucking idiots.

He’s crying because he knows his next game is for the knicks.

Putin him on the mats.

So a bribe?

If my shins knocked over the bar I would lie and say it was my dick. This guy is way too honest.

Boxing being fixed?

I’m a veteran and I think these stickers are fucking dumb. Worse is when people have their entire ERB in sticker form on their back window.

I was about to be upset when he said the only good thing about being a bears fan is that he isn’t a Lions fan.

I visited Tampa for a week a few years ago. I was goaded down there by a friend of mine who promised it was a tropical paradise. I was surprised that it was a shit hole. It was Detroit with palm trees and a shittier hockey team.

I think it’s more of a bay of shit.

The only team in the NFL to make the Lions look smart

I’ve been wanting to get back into a 40k game again. Even the non 40k TW title. But i’m scared to waste money.

I’m confused. Is this because he used to be a Lion or because he happened to be near Romo?

A friend of mine said yesterday “it’s not like they’re going to be worse than sochi or anything”

I thought it was a joke at first, i was like “pfft these guys are going to get rolled”. Then it dawned on me, we can't kill any of these assholes!

Yeah it’s way more fun to catch a million pidgeys.

I had to play an entire team of Lucios earlier.

Kellen Moore couldn’t even threaten the backup position on the fucking Lions. Good luck with the mutant from The Goonies little brother!

I don’t think there is a game i’ve wanted to understand and play more then this one.