They will get their shit together the same time he starts paying taxes.
They will get their shit together the same time he starts paying taxes.
No, he’s easy to counter on console as long as you know where he is.
I can solo Bastion as 76, assuming Bastion isn’t buffed.
In other news everyone stops playing Torb and goes back to Bastion.
This is actually perfect. I never found a commenter on here who matched my opinion till now.
I see all is normal at Browns QB camp.
Remember when Detroit drafted Darko? Yeah we all still do too.
It’s going to be sweet when he signs with MLS in 20 years
That would assume that Klins learns anything from repeated ass beatings and roundly hated roster choices.
p5 makes me sad now.
This is why the NRA represents the gun manufacturing industry and not normal gun owners. Another mass shooting? Time to scream about that fucking uppity black dude trying to ban guns and to reap record profits again.
Last draw he complained about Iceland playing defense. I wonder what he is going to bitch about this time.
You know baseball is boring as fuck when even the announcers are having drunk uncle conversations
Ukraine says hi
Just wait until they see their weightlifting program.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. Ever see a sounders game?
They don’t look like it. But if their papers said ‘Dagestan’ then yes absolutely I would pull them aside.
His comment was intercepted.
Dude i’m a Detroit area native. I believe what is was going for was called a ‘joke’. Calm the fuck down.