
7abbert is coming

Ladies a gentlemen the next coach of the Detroit Lions.

probably not. Combat sports aren't very popular in Iceland. Though I would imagine if they were fighting rather than dancing he could still tear McGregor limb from limb. Assuming he could grab him.

I don’t ride a HD, I still ride a cruiser though. Same feelings in the area where I live. Though thanks to the local military base rockets are becoming super popular.

I live in texas (i’m sorry) and we have first responders on scene at every level of football game. Granted i’m a paramedic, not a magician but it’ something. Why isn't this mandatory everywhere?

Thanks to Suikoden 3 I always watch the opening themes.

Ford Field security had no idea what they were dealing with when confronted by an enthusiastic Lions fan.

Sick bern

Did nazi that coming.

Jim Webb reminds me of Phil Hartman’s impersonation of James Stockade on SNL.

Jerry Jones: He has great intangibles.

Abbot is so out of touch with reality this already happened in his head.

He did not get it his way.

I’ve been in emergency medicine for 2 years and just completed my paramedics license. I had no idea you could deglove a mother fucking face. Jesus titty fucking christ.

Id expect nothing less from a man that is wearing a hat with his own name on it.

“Well hello there”

By the end of this season him and Matt Stafford are going to have PTSD

Just got the Witcher 3. I know i’m late to the party but I already love it.

Now playing

The best part of Mirror’s Edge is easily the video of the RageQuit guy playing it.

And no one will understand where or why they got off.