Phantom of the Oprah

Amen, as evidenced by the 93% of black voters for Obama over a decorated war hero w/30+ years in the Senate!

Because they’re in denial that most people loathe Hillary and don’t give a shit about “making history”.

...or that Obama STILL hasn’t closed Gitmo? Because I clearly remember the ENTIRE COUNTRY (not to mention allies around the globe) rallying around Bush to invade.

The funny thing is, when Obama was elected there was actual concern for this happening. Ironic that in this racist country, the vile/danger is much worse for a WHITE GUY!

Your Obamacare just shot up significantly, enjoy!!

I’ve NEVER lost a job “based on a president”. Stop with that bullshit.

...or that a voting group that had been uninterested at all in presidential elections ironically voted in record numbers to an overwhelming 93%...because the candidate was black?

...unlike the FBI that stated Hillary royally fucked up but they’d have a hard time getting charges to stick? Wake up for crissakes!

Hillary was never fighting for you, only herself. Just look at how badly she treated the women whom her own husband sexually assaulted.

They’re crying because they were overly cocky (as CLEARLY evidenced here yesterday). Where were they when she ran against Obama?? I guess her “first” wasn’t as important as his??

The “we” here, as many people pointed out, is pretty clear: privileged whites

I bet you had zero issues with blacks voting for Obama at over 94%, right?

That’s really the same thing, they make up an overwhelming % of that sector.

People in general hate Hillary, this isn’t anything new except to blind sheep like yourselves.

...because you’re racist, now enjoy eating that crow HAHAHA!!!

It’s not clear, what “process” are you speaking of exactly? The one that allows for people to freely vote for the candidate they feel is best suited?

Trust me, everyone’s on to her.


You sound are, aren’t you?