
Kick all the butts!

that borscht looks good, but.. what is that slice of white bread doing there? eww.. go rye or go home.

So the fake Statue of Liberty looks like a fake Statue of Liberty, that some good CG.

So we need to re shoot LOTR now, its obviously not historically accurate.


Simcha, I feel your pain. But nobody is saying your grief is not valid. His death shocked the community and lots of people, including children, wanted to pay respects this way. If you grieve differently that's okay too. There are so many ways to grieve. My sister and I look at pictures and videos of my son and I

Babylon 5

I got love


Merlin in all his iterations. From Excalibur, to the Arthor series by A.A. Attanasio, The Sword in the Stone, and so much more. He/it (some stories/legends describe him as a demon in a human body) is pretty much the proto-wizard.

First of all, as noted in the post, Chiwetel Ejiofor is not "African American." He is British. Second, I am not a "fucking millennial." Pull yourself together.

Keeping with the creepy Evangelical theme, my friend pinned this. I dub the style "folk Orwellian."

Given the way penguins store food and hold eggs on their feet, can they just act as their own U-hauls after the second date?

I still think we're dodging this issue of penguins chilling with polar bears, which mocks both God AND Darwin.

everyone is wrong. there is no santa. there is only the krampus, and it really doesn't matter if he's black or white because he will eat you.

You have got to be kidding. Wake up - it's 2012. There are a zillion women gamers out there.